Craigs list Silver B


kris lewis

TVWBB Member
Looks like I will replace the grates and the flavor bars.

Anything you guys see that I should pay attention to? Everything else looked to be in good shape




could have sworn i took a pic of the flavor bars, but they are pretty bad so SS here I go.
thought I would add that I just bought the ebay flavor bars. they were cheaper so that was a no brainer. If i have to replace the grates in two years I can live with that.
Looks good to me. I'll probably do the ebay thing, too, when it comes to the flavorizer bar replacements. SS for those would be very nice.

I guess you need a thermometer and that's about it.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by kris lewis:

Anything you guys see that I should pay attention to? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah - with the old-style Silver-B & Spirit-700, BE CAREFUL to grip the handle for the lid in / near the middle when using your grill. The handle is mounted to extensions of the lid end-caps, which are aluminum, and EXCELLENT conductors of heat. The points where the handle meets the lid end-caps can get VERY (can you say "Burn Blisters"?) hot!

Other than that - you'll LOVE this thing!
Looks great.

If the handle is hot, you can use an old potholder or towel to keep your hand from burning.

No thermometer (mine doesn't work either, and that hasn't slowed me down so I wouldn't sweat that).

What's the price?
I paid 100. I did buy new ss gratis from amazon for 32 shipped and the thick ss flavor bars from the eBay guy. He is legitimately, and I received them about 36 hours after I paid.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by derek_d:
Looks great.

If the handle is hot, you can use an old potholder or towel to keep your hand from burning.

No thermometer (mine doesn't work either, and that hasn't slowed me down so I wouldn't sweat that).

What's the price? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not bad at all.
I won't tell you what I paid for mine on CL. Don't want you to feel too bad.

