could use some advice


Rod Renwick

New member
hi all,new to the forum but been really enjoyed doing the lurker thing here for a while.
I have really falling in lust with charcoal cooking thing though,i see many people using the minion method or snake method to enhance burn times.seems when ever I add even a tiny amount of unlit to my otg,the flavour of what im cook7ng takes on a very acrid I doing something wrong?
Try lump charcoal, like Royal Oak or since you're in CA maybe you can find Maple Leaf or some other lump made from sugar maple. Lump doesn't give off as nasty a smoke as K when using Minion. I don't use the all natural briquettes, but maybe someone can comment on that.
When I bought my WSM and joined the forums, I had the same basic question. It was explained to me that the difference is that with the snake and minion methods, you are adding lit coals to unlit. Therefore, the acrid taste is avoided. I think it's because the unlit coals are warm. If you think about it, the coal sitting next to the lit one is not much different than the center of the lit one. Both are adjacent to the heat, but neither is lit. So, I guess it makes sense to me.

A few years ago, I added unlit to lit. The food was almost inedible. It left a lasting impression on me. So, when considering the WSM, I had a real concern about the acrid taste. But, since I have been using the minion method, I have not had a problem with it. Allowing the thick white smoke to dissipate helps, too. I usually allow 30 - 45 minutes.
thanks guys...I kinda figured it was something like that,or air flow know when youre psyched to try something,and you extoll the virtues of it to your wife {maybe even boring her with mi nute details}the end product better live up to the hype...I got a small window here
With my long cooks, I use the minion method and fill the ring to the brim, after 10 -12 hours I add unlit, I have never had that taste problem. But then again the bark is already very well established.
Get yourself a couple fire bricks and use those to give yourself a two zone fire. Fill one area with lump or briquettes and then light 5-6 of those at one end with a welding torch. You'll need to have the bottom vents almost closed and the top vent 2/3 closed for l&s. Where are you in Eastern Ontario? Welcome to the group.

Set up something like this.

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hey bob,your set up with the fire bricks is how ive been doing it,though in the centre sometimes...just seems that after bout an hour,i need more coals and heat...btw im from the Hawkesbury area
hi all,new to the forum but been really enjoyed doing the lurker thing here for a while.
I have really falling in lust with charcoal cooking thing though,i see many people using the minion method or snake method to enhance burn times.seems when ever I add even a tiny amount of unlit to my otg,the flavour of what im cook7ng takes on a very acrid I doing something wrong?

What kind of charcoal and what kind of starting method are you using?

The acrid taste is something that I associate with lighter fluid or matchlight charcoal.

I only use dry charcoal or lump, and only use newspaper & chimney to light it. I never get bad smoke flavors, even when mixing lit & unlit.
only a chimney with paper....kingsford charcoal but its got the grooves in it...used lump before but the size inconsistency was annoying

