cooking butt using guru



New member
Question, I intend to make my first butt using the guru. I am going to do a night cook with the guru set at 225. I intend on using a bit of oak and apple wood, but not to heavy. I am going to use a blow torch to light the charcoal. My question, is it ok to place unburnt wood on top and place the meat when it reach's temperature? With my ribs, I have always lite a full load of charcoal and burned the wood till it was ashed over before placing meat. Just wondering if I will get off flavors because the wood will not be burnt very much when the meat is placed. Hope I have not rambled.

Thanks for any help
I usually put everything in at the same time. Light a few charcoals, close it up and let the Guru do it's job.

It's like the Minion Method. Instructions are to put on meat right away.
I second what Russell wrote, I use a few lit (8 - 12) and assemble everything including putting the meat on and just let my Stoker take her away. I see no reason to fuss with bringing her to temp then putting meat on. No off taste from the wood either.
As they say... I do that all the time and I don't have a guru! I do the same when roasting a hog on a spit and I don't wait till the wood burns down... why waste the heat and smoke?
Yep, I use a torch often to light the lump. Here's my method. I put empty foil lined water pan in place, then the lower grate if using it. Then the meat and pit probe in the midsection, top cooking grate, and then put the butt/s or ? on, clip the pit temp on the top grate, then put the meat probe in the butt.
I put the wood ontop of the lump and light about 3-4 spots of charcoal right under some of the wood, and assemble the WSM. Plug the guru in and you're off. HTH

