Converting NG to LP E-330



New member
I am kicking around the idea of purchasing this E-330 on craigslist for super cheap the model is Natural gas how difficult is it to convert to LP and if its even possible. Thank you in advance.
Depending on the type of control valves it could be easy or near impossible. At the easiest it needs the proper gas jets and proper gas regulator/fittings. At the hardest it will need a whole different manifold again nearly impossible to get and quite expensive.
Unit is a few years old im guessing 2012 the knobs are in the front. I didnt know that the valves were different.
They may not be. When I converted my brothers Summit Silver to NG all I had to do was get a reading of his house pressure and jet it accordingly. He had a variable orifice type valve that was fine. On others i.e. my own Genesis and Summit 450 the low and medium orifices in the valve were different from LP to NG. Unless you pull the valves apart you won't know.

