Converting my 2009 Weber Performer touch-n-go to 20 Lbs. propane tank. How?


Ali Mivehchi

TVWBB Member
Hi Everyone,

Trust me, I tried finding the answering by using the 'keyword search' box without success.

I am tyring to be more efficient and cleanup the garage from having all sorts of little green disposible tanks stuffed everywhere.... I have a weber hose that I use on my camping Coleman Roadtrip grill and it work like a charm, I just cant get it to fireup my Performer. I feel like I am missing a part or 2, I just dont know what it is.

Thank you for your thoughts and advise.

Try attaching the hose, letting some gas flow through your grill then turn off the gas at the grill. Let the hose pressurize for awhile (one beer is about the right amount of time), then try starting the grill again.

I've had similar problems with my Weber-Q and keeping a pressurized 20# tank attached makes it start and run well all the time.


