Convert Genesis Silver B NG to LP



New member
I have a Genesis Silver B natural gas grill which I'd like to convert to LP. I believe I have located a complete LP set-up which includes control valves, the frame that holds them, and the regulator hose and valve top which attaches to the tank.

Here's a link to a pic of a similar set-up.

Problem is the current owner of the set-up doesn't recall if it came from a Silver B grill that had the temp controls on the right or on the front of grill.

Is there a way to determine the difference by merely looking at the assembly?
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First off no Genesis "B" ever had controls on the front. The only differences in that type valve was if it was the 5 bar or 13 bar type grill. If you have a "B" or "C" model than you have 5 bars. The valve/manifold assembly is slightly different between models. But the photo looks like the correct unit for your grill.
Thanks for your reply/help within the discussion board. Here is the actual unit I found on CL.

Contrary to my original post, I do not know if this particular assembly came from a Genesis B unit. All I know is it came from an LP unit and it is 3 burner.

Any other way to determine if this assembly will work with my Gen. B?
Not to steal this thread, but...

I recently picked up a Genesis Gold C from 2004, for $50. They guy had it hooked up to a home gas supply, I thought he said propane but I wonder if it could have been natural gas. Anyhow it had a straight hookup hose with females on both ends, no regulator. He claimed it had some with the regulator 12 years ago but didn't really remember.

Anyhow, I bought a regulator for it and hooked it up my my 20 pound tank and have been using it without any incidents. Temp control seems to be the same as my Silver B.

What differences are there between a Natural Gas grill and a propane tank grill? The regulator assembly said it was for the Genesis and the hose on the regulator fit perfectly.

Well does the grill have a tank scale on it? If so at some point it was designed for LP. That being said there are idiots out there who believe all they need is a different "hookup" to "convert". If it is running fine with the LP it seems obvious you bought it from one of those "idiots". The main difference beside the obvious hoses and hook ups are the (in some cases) control valves themselves and the main metering jets. LP runs at much higher pressure and has more BTU per cubic ft than NG. So the orifices and control valves are designed to flow more gas to match LP BTU output.
Yup has the tank scale, and works great on LP, got to 600 degrees in just over 5 minutes (just wanted to see how long it took and would the temp just keep climbing when I left it wide open) and then backed it down to 375 to cook
I was unable to secure the valve and hose assembly mentioned in beginning of the thread. Any other suggestions in converting my NG Genesis to LP?

