Comparison of Summit, Genesis, and Spirit grills



I visited my local OSH for their tax-free sale this past weekend (yes, even Webers were tax-free), and noticed some interesting differences among the Weber gas grills:

1. The Summit's stainless steel grates are larger than the Genesis's, but the individual rods are also much further apart from each other. I noticed that a grilled mushroom would slide right through the opening, thus necessitating the need for a separate vegetable tray accessory when grilling smaller items. The SS/cast iron grates on the Genesis and Spirit both have narrower grill grate openings that I'm more accustomed to.

2. The lids of both the Genesis and Spirit open straight up at a right angle like a clamshell, thus creating a wide open area to move your food around. The Summit, however, has 1/2 of the lid fixed on the back, with the front 1/2 of the lid sliding back over it. This has some advantages, namely that the heat is more insulated, and wind is blocked from entering the oven box. Also, the Summit's lid positioning actually allows it to have its built-in light shine directly over the middle of the grill. However, the lid's open position does seem to limit the area in which to work with your food; it's not as wide open as the other two gas grills. It may be more difficult, for example, to flip chicken pieces or burgers in the back of the Summit as opposed to the Genesis/Spirit.

3. The Spirit's main oven box is impressively deep, especially for an entry-level model. It's so dark down there! It even appears deeper than the Genesis, which actually has another grease shield sitting above the bottom grease tray. But I'm sure they are both comparable in size.

4. The Summit's high end models (470 and 670) just seem like overkill. Who in this tvwbb forum really needs a smoker box, or even a rotisserie? I mean, we would just slow roast everything over charcoal in our WSMs, right?

Summit, Genesis, or Spirit--any which way you go, you'd be a happy owner. One of these days, I'd like to invest in one of these for myself! Call me a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...
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"Who in this tvwbb forum really needs a smoker box, or even a rotisserie? I mean, we would just slow roast everything over charcoal in our WSMs, right?"
I use rotisserie and LOOOOOOOOOVE it. As for the smoke box it is not meant to make the Summit a "smoker" per' se' but simply to impart some smoke "flavor" and if you go in to it with that in mind it does alll those things wonderfully without having to light charcoal and clean ashes. Nothing against charcoal but lately it seems I never have the time to deal with it. With my gassers it's click and go. I like that. When I do have the time I use one of my kettles with lump but even being retired time seems to be a rare commodity
"Who in this tvwbb forum really needs a smoker box, or even a rotisserie? I mean, we would just slow roast everything over charcoal in our WSMs, right?"
I use rotisserie and LOOOOOOOOOVE it. As for the smoke box it is not meant to make the Summit a "smoker" per' se' but simply to impart some smoke "flavor" and if you go in to it with that in mind it does alll those things wonderfully without having to light charcoal and clean ashes. Nothing against charcoal but lately it seems I never have the time to deal with it. With my gassers it's click and go. I like that. When I do have the time I use one of my kettles with lump but even being retired time seems to be a rare commodity
OK, I'll admit that if I actually had a rotisserie function, I'd probably use it very often, too. And the Summit does have a nice hideaway function for the turn motor.
The smoke box seems to be very convenient, but in the Summit it occupies a few inches off the side of the grill, taking up a burner space. So you would be sacrificing grill real estate for the smoke box. I wonder if anyone in this forum can comment on its effectiveness in providing smoke flavor. I just love the taste of smoked wood/charcoal on my pork/chicken/beef/veggies!
My Summit 450 has the factory smoker box. It works fine. Just remember it's limitations. It will not be a "smoker". As for the "few inches" of lost space. I don't find it a big deal. I never use every square inch of real estate on my grill(s) as I always want a "safe" area just in case.
I bought a Weber Genesis last fall, I love it... Got one to match my brick red Performer, which I also love.

Genesis feels very solid (as it is), and heats up very quick. Used it yesterday to make some steaks in less time than it would have taken the coals to ash. I love the process of cooking with coal, I just don't always have the time.
After owning an older (2006) Genesis Silver B and a 2007 Summit S-650, I can say there are some definite differences. While I like the Summit very much, I don't think it's worth the extra money. I thought I would like the smoker box, but the smoke just comes out of that end. You can get a rotisserie and a smoker box for the Genesis, if those are important to you. While I do love the big fat grates on the Summit, I wouldn't mind if the rods were closer together.
I don't know about the new Genesis models, but the '06 is built WAY better than my '07 Summit.

As far as gas grills being faster than charcoal, I can't agree. I can fill up my chimney, set it on the gas assist port of my Performer, and have the charcoal grill hot as fast or faster than it takes for the Summit to heat up.
After owning an older (2006) Genesis Silver B and a 2007 Summit S-650, I can say there are some definite differences. While I like the Summit very much, I don't think it's worth the extra money. I thought I would like the smoker box, but the smoke just comes out of that end. You can get a rotisserie and a smoker box for the Genesis, if those are important to you. While I do love the big fat grates on the Summit, I wouldn't mind if the rods were closer together.
I don't know about the new Genesis models, but the '06 is built WAY better than my '07 Summit.

As far as gas grills being faster than charcoal, I can't agree. I can fill up my chimney, set it on the gas assist port of my Performer, and have the charcoal grill hot as fast or faster than it takes for the Summit to heat up.
Greg, you bring up an interesting point about the Performer's speed. Do you find that the Performer's gas assist heats up charcoal faster than a chimney starter? I'd like to know if the gas assist is worth the extra cost. I know it must be super convenient.
After owning an older (2006) Genesis Silver B and a 2007 Summit S-650, I can say there are some definite differences. While I like the Summit very much, I don't think it's worth the extra money. I thought I would like the smoker box, but the smoke just comes out of that end. You can get a rotisserie and a smoker box for the Genesis, if those are important to you. While I do love the big fat grates on the Summit, I wouldn't mind if the rods were closer together.
I don't know about the new Genesis models, but the '06 is built WAY better than my '07 Summit.

As far as gas grills being faster than charcoal, I can't agree. I can fill up my chimney, set it on the gas assist port of my Performer, and have the charcoal grill hot as fast or faster than it takes for the Summit to heat up.

Also, Greg you have the older generation 2006 Genesis with the horizontal burners. Those Genesis models are almost legendary for their superior performance. I wonder if anyone else has had both the older and newer Genesis models to compare the two.
Not every one has a performer. Also you still have to clean out ashes. No argument I love charcoal as much as anyone but if it is a choice between clicking a burner on and prepping my food throw it on the grill and turn it off and not grilling because I don't have time for the charcoal routine well................................I hope you know which is the better choice. ;-)
Greg, you bring up an interesting point about the Performer's speed. Do you find that the Performer's gas assist heats up charcoal faster than a chimney starter? I'd like to know if the gas assist is worth the extra cost. I know it must be super convenient.

I use the chimney starter but instead of crumpled newspaper or starter cubes I set the chimney over the gas assist. If you don't use the chimney, it takes much longer to get the charcoal going.
I have owned both types of Genesis 300s, the side to side burners and the front to back. The main difference to me is the shape of the indirect cooking area.

Both types of grills have the same size main cooking area and it’s approximately 19x27. On the east west burner grills the 19 inch dimension is what shrinks so you end up with about a 12x27 cooking space for indirect cooks.

On the north south burner grills the 27 inch dimension shrinks so you end up with about a 19x20 inch space.

It’s up to you what do you prefer? I would rather have the square then the rectangle.

