After striking out on tri-tips, went for a 11# beef brisket to serve Saturday dinner.
Got as much set up as I could Friday night. Just to mix it up, using my new Billows. This turned out to be a great decision. It was amazing. I bought the expensive battery to go with it, but didn't want to risk on first run so just plugged it in.

Brisket ready to be dressed. Trimmed Friday night and coated in Brisket of Love Barbecue Rub from The Spice House. Wrapping it reminded me why I hate Saran/plastic wrap. Will need to get some big zip-tops next time.

First time doing a brisket, so got up at a@@-early to get it going. Minion method, 4 chunks of pecan. Set the Billows for 225F and let it go. Slept until 6, everything looked good. Moved the meat probe to go in sideways.

Stall happened around 8:30AM - 1PM, stuck at 160F. Air probe was reading 225 - 250F, so just let it be. Did add more water and tapped the coals a little. Over the 12 hours or so, adjusted the top vent a few times when air temp was climbing over 250F, but really that was it.
Pulled at about 3PM, 185F as it seemed to be stalling out again. Did a couple of minutes over the coals on both sides. Thought I was going to drop the thing for sure. Wrapped in foil and dropped into a cooler. Ate at 5:30PM.

We're of course the most critical, I thought flavor was too mild, especially for how much rub I put on it but also pecan is a mild wood. Got rave reviews from everyone else.
Got as much set up as I could Friday night. Just to mix it up, using my new Billows. This turned out to be a great decision. It was amazing. I bought the expensive battery to go with it, but didn't want to risk on first run so just plugged it in.

Brisket ready to be dressed. Trimmed Friday night and coated in Brisket of Love Barbecue Rub from The Spice House. Wrapping it reminded me why I hate Saran/plastic wrap. Will need to get some big zip-tops next time.

First time doing a brisket, so got up at a@@-early to get it going. Minion method, 4 chunks of pecan. Set the Billows for 225F and let it go. Slept until 6, everything looked good. Moved the meat probe to go in sideways.

Stall happened around 8:30AM - 1PM, stuck at 160F. Air probe was reading 225 - 250F, so just let it be. Did add more water and tapped the coals a little. Over the 12 hours or so, adjusted the top vent a few times when air temp was climbing over 250F, but really that was it.
Pulled at about 3PM, 185F as it seemed to be stalling out again. Did a couple of minutes over the coals on both sides. Thought I was going to drop the thing for sure. Wrapped in foil and dropped into a cooler. Ate at 5:30PM.

We're of course the most critical, I thought flavor was too mild, especially for how much rub I put on it but also pecan is a mild wood. Got rave reviews from everyone else.