Boneless Rib Roast



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
So yesterday I splurged for a big family gathering. One of my nephews, my remaining sister and her husband, my sister in law, my youngest daughter and her BF along with the kids (soon to be 2yo, 3yo, and grandson 14), oldest daughter and my SIL as well.
I bought a 17.5 lb hunk of beefy rib roast primal goodness. Will open the vacuum pack soon and butcher that bad boy into a large center cut roast to go in Big Z tomorrow AM, the plan is to get some freshly picked sweet corn from one of my 2 fav local farms. Those will get roasted in the husk in the Wolf.
Gonna be eatin' good in da neighborhood.
All totaled I'll 14 here. Though 2 will be little ones (toddlers), a non meat eater, a non roast beef eater (don't ask long story :D), so for those who don't want the roast, there'll be home made marinara my sister whipped up, on maybe some penne'
In any case it's gonna be a mad house. Then after all that chaos Monday I get the new car and then all the chaos that will entail getting a 240V line and level 2 charger installed
So yesterday I splurged for a big family gathering. One of my nephews, my remaining sister and her husband, my sister in law, my youngest daughter and her BF along with the kids (soon to be 2yo, 3yo, and grandson 14), oldest daughter and my SIL as well.
I bought a 17.5 lb hunk of beefy rib roast primal goodness. Will open the vacuum pack soon and butcher that bad boy into a large center cut roast to go in Big Z tomorrow AM, the plan is to get some freshly picked sweet corn from one of my 2 fav local farms. Those will get roasted in the husk in the Wolf.
Gonna be eatin' good in da neighborhood.
All totaled I'll 14 here. Though 2 will be little ones (toddlers), a non meat eater, a non roast beef eater (don't ask long story :D), so for those who don't want the roast, there'll be home made marinara my sister whipped up, on maybe some penne'
In any case it's gonna be a mad house. Then after all that chaos Monday I get the new car and then all the chaos that will entail getting a 240V line and level 2 charger installed
Busy Busy! I hope with everything going on you enjoy your holiday weekend and spend a little time with your dad

