Bland Colorless Meal


Jon Des.

TVWBB Gold Member
Seriously, what were we thinking? Pork chops, biscuits and cauliflower. Chops dusted with Northwoods Fire and cauliflower "steaks" with Weber Garlic & Herb rub.


Everything flipped, biscuits on to warm up.




OK, so maybe it's more colorful than the title indicates.


And plated.


Maybe someone else knows how to do these better, but we were not fans of the cauli steaks. The chops and biscuits made up for them, though. Thanks for looking!
Most definitely NOTHING bland about this meal Jon! Looks very delicious! Great photos too! Jon, what type of biscuits are those? They look great! Wanna share the recipe?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mike Coffman (Photonut):
Most definitely NOTHING bland about this meal Jon! Looks very delicious! Great photos too! Jon, what type of biscuits are those? They look great! Wanna share the recipe?

Believe it or not, it's a John Besh recipe from People Magazine. This is the jalapeno cheddar version, also with a little bit of leftover homemade Canadian bacon.
That chop looks pretty doggone good to me. Can't offer any advice on the cauli steaks. There's nothing you can do to cauliflower that would make me like it.
Looks great, i love the idea of the cauli steaks. Never seen it this way. Maybe it'll taste a little better when you wrap them in alufoil and give them a sear at the end? That way i think they will be a little "softer"...
great looking cook!

My family complains about monotone dinners (all one color, or close), but they always eat until it's gone.
Yup, everything looks fantastic. I also like the idea of a "cauliflower steak" but don't really like cauliflower that much...maybe a cheese sauce would perk it up, add some color to the plate too.

