BlackBerry Browser Issues



TVWBB Diamond Member
Anyone having issues updating their Stoker using a BlackBerry (8320) browser? Yesterday I tried adjusting my pit temp from my BlackBerry, it would allow me to change the target temp but wouldn't "Save Changes." First time I've had this issue, worked great in the past.
I don't know for sure, but I think it's because the thing-a-majig, and the whatchamacaulic, didn't interface, thus causing major confusion with the doohickey.
Strictly my professional opinion Larry.


Your Prime rib looks awesome my friend.
My guess is that the heavy Javascript use doesn't mix well with the BB Browser, I've had some rendering issues with sites like that.

I've never bothered to set up direct Stoker access from the outside world - even though the chance is slim that someone would:
1. Find an obscured HTTP port (providing your router supports port translation)
2. Do so during a cook
3. Know what they're looking at
4. Be malicious enough to set the pit temp to 1000 to see if they can start a fire (or to 0 to ruin the cook)

What I've done is use RDMPlus to remotely log into my PC where I can use StokerLog to control the Stoker. I also use RDM+ to do stuff on my home PC while at work and to manage my server both from home and on the road so the price is amortized across a lot of functions.

Between that and using StokerLog's read-only Twitter function I've got nice access to cook data while I'm away from the PC.

As an alternative to either solution, I wonder if Amir could enable write-access via Twitter. By enabling a Twitter account for write access they could do "@StokerAccount ProbeName=220" to set the probe to 220F. Other functions could be defined for things like enabling Keep Warm mode or sending a snapshot of the graph to TwitPic or something like that.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Curt Timmerman:
You might try the Opera mini browser </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good suggestion! I've also heard good things about the Bolt Browser but personally I haven't found the need to use either. BTW, I've got a Storm (personal) and a Tour (work).
Same issue today. What is so odd is in the past I have successfully controlled my Stoker using the same BlackBerry and same browser; then it just stopped working. I do not recall doing any updates or upgrades to the browser since the last time it worked.

Very odd . . . may have to change browsers.

Go figure, I'm the only one with this issue. Downloaded Opera Mini and hated it, I like my BB browser anyone have any ideas? One day it worked fine w/Stoker the next cook it doesn't, what gives? Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Your ahead of me, i cannot get my BB to connect with any browser (opera, bolt, or BB) I type in the IP and it just times out.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by LarryR:
Curt, excellent question. Yes, works fine on my laptop using Firefox or IE. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Were you testing at home (on your private network)? If so, you need to test from outside your network. Blackberries will only access public IP addresses.

I tested (on laptop) outside my network using a neighbors WiFi connection, and had a buddy cross country test it on his iPhone (non-WiFi) and worked as it should for him too.

Don't see how outside/inside network would matter though as all devices can access/pull-up the Stoker page inside and outside my network, it's updating/saving changes on the BB browser that's the issue . . . unless I'm missing something.

Again what is so odd about this issues it it worked fine (inside and outside network) for two years on my BB browser, then one day it stopped working.

