best rib effort to date


david brociner

TVWBB Member
Had good success with a rib cook on Sunday and wanted to try and share a photo. First try with photo bucket so we'll see:

so how do I make photo smaller? also, photo quality is not great because I used my phone.

I took this picture Monday night on a rack that went uneaten on Sunday, made 6 racks thinking people would eat more than they did. I reheated and meat pulled away from the bone some more but still really tender and delicious.

I'd agree, you nailed that rib cook. Meat looks very juicy and bet they tasted really good with that smoke ring and bark.

I also use PhotoBucket and it confuses me every time I try to resize pics to post. Seems like it works sometimes and not sometimes. If you right click on the pic and click properties it will show you the pixel size. The size on your photo is, I think, what Photobucket defaults to.

Good looking ribs David! I use Picasa 3(a free editor from Google) to edit my photos and re-size them before I upload them to photobucket. I probably could do it directly from Picasa but haven't figured it out and I like to use photobuckets program to get the correct codes for the board.
David, in photobucket, when you click on upload photos, in the upper right hand side there is an option to customize your uploads.

Click on that and then pick a size, try 800 x 600, upload your pics and then post your pics the same way you did here.

Try smaller or bigger sizes and see what works best on this site.

Hope this helps.
Looks good David! I think you might be fine with that size, or try 640 x 480. Glad it worked for you.

Keep on posting pics of your cooks.
Looks great to me. I use PhotoBucket, too. You can set a default size and gallery for downloads. If you have an iPhone, they have a great free app. If I'm lazy and don't use my real camera, I can take pictures and upload them right from my phone.
Those ribs look great.

Photobucket will also let you edit pictures. I usually don't mess with the color unless my camera phone is taking pics of some blue looking food that I am cooking (seriously, it does that sometimes!) I only sharpen & resize the pics I post here due to poor quality phone pictures. Once you have uploaded your photos, hover your mouse over an open picture and click on edit. It will allow you to change lots of things about your pictures and either save a copy or save & replace the original with the edited picture.

