Best Pre-Built HM Options - Help Very Much Appreciated



New member
I've been mulling over several possible controller options and think I've decided on the HeaterMeter as the best option for my needs. It flat out seems like a great tool.

That all being what it is, I am terrible at soldering and have very little appetite for wasting time and parts on my mistakes.

I'm hoping that you fine group of guys can direct me toward my best options for a pre-built HM. I've looked at Auber but was wondering if there are other options. I'm willing to do some assembly and have a little bit of experience with the Raspberry Pi with other projects.

I have two cookers - an XL BGE and a Primo Oval Junior. I'd like to be able to buy a more or less complete solution that can swap between the two as far as a fan/servo/adapter-to-cooker setup goes, too and am open to suggestions. The Micro Damper looks very appealing but would be open to others too.

I hope all of this doesn't come across as laziness. I just don't have time for another project right now but love the HMs feature set.

Thanks in advance for the help, fellas (and ladies)!
Don't buy Auber they don't help the community, they leach off of it. Someone here would be willing to build you one. Use the link Steve_M gave and shop around for the lowest price.

I'm obviously biased for the air delivery system, but their is also the Adapt-a-Damper (open source), RotoDamper, Tom Kole has a few open source designs - I recently just printed one and I really like it.
Thanks, gents. I've traded emails with John Bostwick and I think I'm squared away. Don't know how I missed the sticky to start with - apologies for taking up space when what I was looking for was already there.

