Beating a dead horse: DigiQ vs CyberQ2


M Rose

TVWBB Member
Well I *had* my mind made up on the digiq dx2 and now, after reading more of these recent threads, the CyberQ2 has been clouding my judgement. I have to say I hate buyers remorse and I am torn between the two of them. The extra $100 for the ability to monitor from a smart phone is appealing, but i heard it is alot more difficult to manage as well. $275 > $400 too. Decisions decisions.......

As far as my plans for use. I have a 22.5 WSM. Most likely wont use multiple pits, although i can guarantee cooking multiple meats in one setting. Which way would you guys lean??
If you've read my comments, you know my opinion. Go for the CyberQ! $100 more, but you get 3 food probes vs 1 (that'd be $50 if you bought them separately), so figure $50 for wifi. Even if you'll never use 3 food probes at one time, you'd have them as backups. :) I am the QUEEN of rationalization !!! LOL. You'll love either choice though, so don't sweat it too much !
Yeah you do make a good point there only concern is not being able to work the cyberQ with all its bells and whistles!! Well that and getting the boss (wife) on board with the extra $100....

