BBQ guru which fan?


Bryon Piequet

I am looking to pick one of these up any suggestions? Is the 4cfm adequate or is the 10 cpm better worse? It's going on my WSM 18.5.

Ditto. I have a 10CFM thinking more is better. I usually choke it down when running low and slow. It's folly to expect the extra cfm to stoke your fire for high temp cooks. You just need more lit when doing high temps.
I suspect the 4 cfm would be adequate but guru recommends the 10 cfm. I got the 10 cfm and haven't had any problems. I normally close the damper about half way. I have run it less than half way closed when I want higher temps.
I got the 10cfm as well. Figured if I ever upgrade the pit to a 22.5 I won't have to upgrade the fan. I almost never damp mine down, the guru knows when to apply the blower, it just does it in shorter bursts when the damper is wide open. I've never had a problem holding 225 with the damper wide open...but I do have all the other vents and the door sealed off with high heat tape so the only air getting in is through the blower.

