bbq guru cyberq II question

i recieved a cyberq II for christmas ans was wondering if any of you guys that have this model have used it with a wireless USB and does it work? if so which one do you use?
It does not work with a wireless USB because there's no firmware support for it or the TCP/IP stack. It's right in the manual:
----- From the manual -----
The CYBERQII’s USB interface is like that of a digital camera, in that it requires a PC to send and receive data. It cannot be directly connected to a router and accessed over a network or the internet, due to the limitations of USB and its protocols. It is not a web server. It does not have an IP address. It is a
slave USB device. The CyberQII uses the USB CDC ACM (universal serial bus communications device
class abstract control model) protocol, which emulates a virtual communications port on the PC.
In order for you to get it wireless you need to teather it to a wireless PC. You then run remoting software on that PC and access that PC remotely from yet another wireless computer on your network.

I'd trade it in for a Stoker.
If I read this statement correctly "so i am confused."

What they're saying is you can use one of these wireless USB Hubs and adapters to connect your PC to your Guru.

Then, if you wanted to access your Guru from another machine you would need to run remote desktop or a program like LogMeIn.

Hope this helps.
The correct question to ask the Guru guys is, "can I plug my CyberQ2's USB port into a USB Wireless card/hub and access it from my wireless network using a wireless PC. That is, the CyberQ2's only connection would be to the USB WiFi adapter card"

If the devices they listed have the capability for you to plug your USB camera or mass storage devices into them and access them wirelessly via PC then sure you can use them. I haven't heard of such a device. It would mean the device would need to implement the TCP/IP protocols to get on the WiFi. Not saying it can't be done but I have yet to hear about anything like this.
OK, guess I stand corrected. The last device on the list appears to do just that. However, it does not implement TCP/IP. It uses a new wireless channel so the wireless "dongle" can talk to the wireless hub which in turn talks to the PC. It's not really WiFi ( but pretty neat. The range is limited to 30 feet however and it appears these units are expensive.

You'll still need to remote to the PC that's wirelessly "tethered" to it 30 feet or less away if you want to control your pit over an exposed port on your LAN though. It would be an interesting question to ask the Guru guys .... "Can more than 1 PC connect to the CyberQ2 if it's connected to a USB hub". If they said yes then that would get you around the remoting issue but both PC's need to be 30 feet away or less.


I am using a forty foot USB cablet that I purchased from a company that specializes in quality cables. I believe their name was If send me a not and I'll look it up.

Their cable works great and between it and the six footer that came with my unit I have plenty of distance.

Love my CyberQ II.

