Joe Anshien
TVWBB Honor Circle
This is a pretty cool video.
My sentiments exactly.....I love gadgets as much as the next person, but I’m too hands on for my own good to break out my Billows. I think I’ve used it exactly twice while I was building my deck a few summers ago. The lovely thing about the WSM, is once she’s dialled in, there’s not much left to do once you’ve adjusted your vents, except sit back with a beverage of your choosing and wait.
I understand, as I stated above, "to each their own". To automate a WSM or not is a personal choice. Though I will add that your experience with GrillEye is precisely why I shy away from devices that rely on "The Cloud" for their basic operation. Cloud-based services are a wonderful concept, but not, in my opinion, something that can always be relied upon. Many of these companies are well intentioned and have great ideas, but don't always survive.Today I cursed my grilleye wlan/cloud thermometer.
I broke my old phone. To pair my new phone, I would need to unpair my old phone from the thermometer. But I can't, it's broken.
I looked for their support page. Grilleye went out of business. Their free cloud feature will become a subscription.
I don't want to automate my WSM. Its a philosophical thing.
Yeah, the anti-Weber WSK guy. Yep, no thanks to giving him any views. Regardless of topic. YMMVThis is a pretty cool video.