Auto temp control WSM 14.5 w/ Fireboard and BBQ Guru Pit Viper


Troy Reimche

New member
Hello, first post here and I'm going to be adding an automatic temp control fan to my WSM 14.5 soon. Is it safe to assume that the BBQ Guru Pit Viper has the proper sized power plug that works with the Fireboard drive fan control cable? I really like how that one mounts through the bottom vent in the WSM, versus how the Fireboard fan would mount. The BBQ Guru piece seems like a much cleaner solution.

I've had the Fireboard for a couple years now and it works great, so I don't have any interest in changing. It seems excessive having to spend $80 on their adapter cable just to plug a fan in but what else can a guy do? Are there any other cables out there that work?
Excellent thanks for the replies. If the power connector is the standard size, I should have plenty of options for power if needed. I'm pretty sure the girlfriend is buying me all of this stuff for Christmas, so I'm excited to try it out. I'll post up some pics once its all set up and running.

