Auto Lid Detection v 5


Joe Anderson

New member
The auto lid detection feature doesn't seem to work but on occasion...and the few times I see the auto detection note on the log, it doesn't seem to make a difference. How exactly is it supposed to work? Thanks.
Autolid detection works by measuring how fast the temperature drops. You can adjust this value in Advanced settings. Once it detects this kind of drop, it will then set the fire temp to a much lower value for so many minutes after which, it will resume the old value. This is all enabled by the checkbox in the user interface with the same name.

Unfortunately, this logic is too simple. There is no way to know what is a sharp drop due to lid being opened vs some other variation. I always planned to put in more robust algorithm but never did

Fortunately, there is a better way now. Look in the V6 thread for stokerlog for the new version. There, you see the ability now to simply turn off the stoker when you want to open the lid. When you turn it back on, stokerlog reconnects as if you had never done that. So you really don't need to mess with Lidopen functionality anymore.

