Attention CyberQ II owners


Steve Roxberg

TVWBB Member
I'm looking for other CyberQ II owners to share tips and information.

What version of software are you running on your unit? I am running version 1.04 which I believe was released in April or May of this year. Anyone else using 1.04?

How are you connecting your computer, wireless USB, extension USB cables, or just parking a laptop nearby?
Don't know what version. I have a computer in my outdoor kitchen so when I run a usb cable I run from that PC. Without Logmein or another such program you cannot access from other PC on your network.I use it as a stand alone more then hooked to the PC. I use the pc when I want to chart a cook.Even then have had issues where it drops the usb connection.When this happens everything still works fine you just lose the graph record nothing else.It is easier if you always use the same usb outlet in the pc. I leave the cord plugged in.How long a usb cord is effects most usb devices.

