Assistance with debugging Twitter on Stoker



New member
Hello everyone, first post here and hoping someone can help me.

I recently purchased a Stoker for my Bubba Keg and it works great at controlling the keg's temp. I've been trying to get the Stoker to send tweets but so far have not succeeded. Here's what I've done:

I've enabled debugging via telnet and when the stoker tries sending a tweet it displays:

"Twitter:HTTPClient:Unable to connect to remote host"

I'm able to ping from all the PC's on my network.

When I ping from the stoker I get this:

tini0e985f /> ping
Node was unreachable
Sent 1 request(s), got 0 reply(s)
tini0e985f />

I've tried placing the stoker in the DMZ zone in my routers config (outside the firewall).

I've connected the stoker directly to the router and bypassed the wireless game adapter.

I've tried different network cables.

I've enable "Charles Web Debugging Proxy" to see what the stoker is sending and it doesn't appear any network packets are being sent when the error message is displayed.

The Stoker is configured to use DHCP so my router is assigning the IP address, it's not static. This is something Kenny asked me to check.

I understand you guys can't offer generic networking support, but all devices on my network can reach the outside world except the stoker and I'm running out of ideas.



There has been a number of threads on this. From what I recall, it is tricky to get it all working. But some people did so you may want to look for their posts and what revisions of the firmware they used.

For now, if you have a Windows PC, you can run stokerlog which has twitting capability and if I may so, it is very reliable and easy to use
Thanks Amir, I'm familiar with your most excellent software. But, I'd like the Stoker to perform the features that it advertises. I'm active on the Bradley forum and would like to be able to recommend it to other members. However, if it has problems performing basic functionality I won't be able to endorse it.

I took your advice and searched the forum for others who have had the same problem. I upgraded to the latest version of the firmware and I still get crickets. I may have to just live with it, but that would be disappointing.

Kenny said he'd talk to kaytat and see if there was anything else we could try. My network setup is typical and there's nothing unusual about it.

I've spend three evening working on this and the Stoker simply won't talk to the outside world at all. The auto time update won't even work.
Okay, I finally got this working. First, I upgraded to

Second, it turns out my router needs to be rebooted if any changes are made to the firewall. So after placing the Stoker's IP in the DMZ I had to reboot the router, otherwise it is still behind the firewall even when the setting is applied. I figured this out through trial and error. Seems like a bug in the router, it's a Belkin.

Anyway, very happy with the Stoker so far. Need a couple more cooks under my belt but very nice device.
Excellent. In hindsight, reading the thread again I was going to suggest firewall issues, just to see you have figured it out

