Ash ring


Tom Rodgers

New member
Simple question- I just ordered a new ash sweeper for my 1999 Performer and also a new Ash Ring (holds the ash collector). How is the ring attached to the kettle. Last time I replaced the sweeper, the ash ring came off. That was a while back and I just gerry rigged it. Hoping the bolt that holds the ash sweeper in place comes off easily as well.

2nd generation type keys into slots in the leg sockets.
1st generation type is held on by a special metal strap.
Each type uses a different ash sweep. (H-drive or hex-drive)

With your year you are close to the switch from gen 1 to gen 2.
I found it very difficult to find the correct parts for my 98 Performer when they needed to be replaced. I finally gave up and ordered a new ring and the current sweepers with the H bolt. Two of the leg slots lined up perfectly but the third one not so much. Finally got it pretty close and secured it with a smal hose clamp. The index marks for the arm don't line up completely correct either but overall it was money well spent IMO.

