Ash Catcher Help for '96 Performer


Russell C.

New member
Picked up a decent Green SS Performer today on Craigslist for $50. Should clean up nice and look real good next to her SS Blue brother. Picked it up, got it home and realized that the ash catcher could not be reattached, and the way of attaching it was much different than my other SS Performer and Kettles.

After some quick research and lots of help on here I found that Weber re-engineered the ash catcher around 2001 and that they no longer offer replacement parts for this older style. The "bar" is rusted out and shot. Anybody got any ideas/advice on where you can track one of these down or if there are aftermarket options? Or maybe there's a way to modify the new ash ring assembly to the older units?

Here's some pics of what I'm working with. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



There is an older thread where someone manufactured one. I have a 97 Mastertouch with the bar thats in great shape. You can get the new ash catcher system and cut small slits where the three legs would normally tie into and it will fit right in. Search the thread's under mods. I know that weber had the black ash catcher but switched to the classic silver so it would look the same. Search converting a ots to a otg. I hope this helps.
I've used stiff aluminum wire (12 gauge) to hold my ash ring tight to the bowl. I pushed the wire through the gaps on the sockets and then strung it through the nearest holes in the ash ring. It actually holds the ring tighter to the bowl than the bar did and allows you to use the newer ash sweeper, if necessary. It isn't the cleanest fix, but it saves you from buying a new ash ring and bucket, then cutting into your sockets, and frankly isn't noticeable unless you are staring at the ring under the table. You could also use 12 gauge solid copper wire.
I've used stiff aluminum wire (12 gauge) to hold my ash ring tight to the bowl. I pushed the wire through the gaps on the sockets and then strung it through the nearest holes in the ash ring. It actually holds the ring tighter to the bowl than the bar did and allows you to use the newer ash sweeper, if necessary. It isn't the cleanest fix, but it saves you from buying a new ash ring and bucket, then cutting into your sockets, and frankly isn't noticeable unless you are staring at the ring under the table. You could also use 12 gauge solid copper wire.

Seriously Brilliant! I swear it's always the simplest ideas... Where would one get wire like this? The guy I bought this off of(great guy by the way, cut his price in half because he wanted this grill to go to another Weber lover) said he had replaced the sweepers and handle a year or so ago and that's all in good shape. The ring and ash bowl are in decent shape too so really no reason to replace them! The wire will work perfect if I know where to find it. Thanks so much for helping out OGlenn.
Do you have any 12 or 14 gauge house RomeX wire laying around. Strip it out of its outside casing, then if you want use the copper ground wire or the white or the black.
The guys that install chainlink fences use a soft aluminum wire to tie fence fabric to fence poles.
If you have a fence company or installers nearby they would probably give you a piece for the asking.

I would still look at that custom strap if your ash sweeper assembly is still good.
Otherwise convert to the 2nd generation ash management system.
The chain link binding wire might be a bit too thick to fit through the sockets, though it would be very stiff which is a plus if it does fit. I had the aluminum laying around but it is hard to come by now since it isn't used for grounding any longer. You can get 12 gauge copper wire at any hardware store. A 2ft. piece will provide you more than enough material.
I tracked down about 4ft 12 GA solid copper at work. Plan on wiring the ash ring up this weekend, cleaning everything up and taking her for a spin. Thanks to everyone for their input and ideas.

