Anybody know of Performer sales/end of season discounts?


Rod Duley

TVWBB Member
Hello, my daughter and her SO recently purchased a home in the Boston area and I was looking to get them a house warming gift. I actually visited them this past week end and went to the local Home Depot to purchase one for them but they did not carry the gas assist model. I had personally recommended to them the gas assist model and did not want to make a purchase that they may not get the full pleasure of how great the performer (I own one) realy is. So...questions (1) Why do they even make a performer without the gas assist? (2) Can anybody recommend a place that may have a decent deal on one? I guess I'll just ship one to them. Any input would be helpful.

So...questions (1) Why do they even make a performer without the gas assist? (2) Can anybody recommend a place that may have a decent deal on one? I guess I'll just ship one to them. Any input would be helpful.


Hi Rod... I guess Weber might have had me in mind when they came up with the non gas assist model. I have had mine since Feb 2012 and it replaced the original SS model with gas assist that I bought back in the 90's. The first one just became a complete rust bucket and I probably should have rebuilt it, but didn't. Anyway, the g.a. on the original gave out about year 5 or so and I just switched over to using the chimney and fire cubes and never looked back. When it was time to get a new performer, I decided the g.a. wasn't worth an extra $50 to me and just kept using the chimney. The real advantage for me is having the worktable, space beneath the kettle and the charcoal bin. Not to mention the ash catcher.

Unless you find a store that does seasonal stockings and displays I think it'll be hard to find these on sale. Our Home Depot here doesn't have a large Weber stock and haven't seen that go on sale. But Target just did close out the grilling/bbq stuff and discounted their stock. Alas, they don't carry the Performers. I wish you good luck!
The only time I have seen Performers marked down in the stores around here they have been display models in the very early spring time before the new models arrive. The ones I saw were the non-gas assist models. I did notice a seller on Amazon selling the Platinum models for total price of around $310 shipped but it looks like they have only sold a handful so no idea what to expect from them. If it were me, if I couldn't find one at a local Lowes on HD, I would order it through Amazon and pay the regular price with free shipping so I had the Amazon backing. JMO.
Deals are out there, if you shop. Weber has a pretty tight policy about not advertising sales, but if you talk to the big box hardware stores in the rust belt, they start packing them up - like right now - they'd much rather give a good discount than sit on them in storage for the next 6 months.

I just picked up a brand new Performer Platinum for $290 out the door, which included 8% tax. That converts to $268. I'm happy.

Get shopping!
Most big companies such as Weber have what is called a MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) policy. This means that wholesalers cannot advertise a discounted price below usually the MSRP or "suggested price". However companies cannot dictate the actual sales price, so the best way to find a good discount is to actually go to the store. You will never see Weber's advertised below suggested retail price.
I was pleasantly surprised that when I picked it up, they tossed in a cover too. That put a big fat smile on my face. Now to figure out these charcoal thingies. I stopped using charcoal when I got my first gasser in the mid-eighties, and I'm sure there will be a learning curve.

