Anybody Find Water Gets Inside Their Smokefire When Raining, Even With Official Cover?



TVWBB Member
Opened up my Smokefire today after heavy rain over the weekend, was suprised to see how much water had got inside and into the Drip pan and drawer at the bottom.

Would say it was 3/4 full, I have noticed water in the drawer before, but normally the pan has some dust in and think that has been absorbing any water previously, so it didn't stand out.

I have the official cover (2nd in 3 years) this one less than a year old and has no tears, so uness it comes through the fabric, can't figure out where it comes through. The pellet hopper and pellets were dry as well as the electronics, just seemed to have come through the chamber, but no idea where, unless it comes through the vents to get inside?

I bought sone relatively cheap cover from Amazon called Neverland. Gotta say that thing is outstanding. Even though it's vented I have never seen water anywhere. Zipper on one side as well, very heavy duty build. Extremely pleased with it. I wanted to buy another but sadly like all things Amazon, you find something like this and then the company is not there any more. Closest I have seen to that quality is the Veranda branded ones. Good solid heavy covers. This is a link to the one I bought. My grill is about the same size as an EX6, maybe a touch bigger and is shaped exactly like it. So much so people mistake it for a Weber
Was there water inside the cookbox too? If not, maybe you have a leaky gasket between the auger assembly and grill body.
Thinking about it could be, also thinking where the hopper attaches to the body there may be a gap the water is getting through to the drawer and pan at the bottom as there doesn't appear to be any water in the cookbox, but just can't figure out why the drip pan was so full of water, as thought the grooves and holes at the bottom of the chamber would be how the majority of the water got into the drip pan?
Nope, never. It can sit through a deluge, or be buried in a foot of snow, never have gotten any moisture inside. Weber cover here.

