Any tips for wrapping she-cone with ba-cone?


Ron G.

TVWBB Wizard
Grilled-up some boneless, skinless chix breasts last night.

Remembered a few left-over, thick slices of Neuske's bacon in the fridge - and the thought-juices began to flow:

Coarse pepper only on the chix before wrapping (figured there's enough salt in the Ba-Cone), then broke some toothpicks in half and pinned the ends of the bacon strips in place, but needed a lot of picks to hold to the floppy meat.

Glazed 'em with a little SBR about 10 minutes before taking them off.

I know it's not really THAT creative - but it was sublimely tasty! Crispy on the outside - really juicy on the inside, salt about perfect.

Any creative ideas for ways to reduce the number of picks needed?
Let the Bacon get a little more room temp and it seems to stick together better.

I just wrap 'em with as many pieces as it takes to cover and chuck on the grill..

These are thighs but you get the pic... bacon wrapped thighs.
I wrap alot of things in bacon and never used a tooth pick.

Start the wrap with the first bacon overlaping itself by 30-50% and do this with all bacon slabs being extra carefull with the overlap when you start with a new slab.

When you have the wrap done,cook the meat with the only loose bacon end down to let it seal by itself.

Not the best post to se this but here is an example

And if you gonna fill it dont wrap it to tight,couse when the bacon renders it shrinks and squeze out all the good stuff
With the thick bay-cone, I was trying to avoid overlap (this would have used too much bacon - can you ever use "too much bacon"

In this case, overlapping was really not an option - so I guess that I was sort-of "stuck" with the toothpicks (pun intended...)

So, I guess if I'm actually PLANNING to do this, I would be better-off with:

-Thin-cut bacon, so that I can overlap like wrapping bicycle handlebar tape, without the overlapped layers getting too thick.

-Soften-up the bacon before use. (I think Krueger-San suggested pre-boiling it a bit in another thread / or maybe a quick shot in the micro to take the chill off?)

