Any CyberQ WiFi users?


Doug Wade

TVWBB Super Fan
So here's the deal. I have little kids and it's not always possible to pop out and check the smoker mid-day. And I just had a high heat cook where the door popped open and various excitement happened. I have a DigiQ which does a great job of maintaining temps normally, but it would be really helpful to have some kind of remote monitoring/alarm feature.

Last I checked none of the wireless probe thermometers really reach through my old house very well. But there *is* good WiFi signal where the smoker is, so going to a WiFi unit seems like an option. The CyberQ seems like the obvious choice because it would work with my existing blower so there's some savings, anyway. Still, it's an expensive unit and I'd rather not just buy it blind.

Any opinions on the CyberQ WiFi?
Not a CyberQ WiFi user, but if you're looking to save some coin, how about using a baby monitor to listen for the alarms on the DigiQ?
You know, that's a real thought, especially since I could even mount a video camera if it comes to that (I have a couple of WiFi cameras around).

It also sounds like some of the newer remote temperature monitors are much better than the last time I looked into it. The iGrill runs about $80 and seems to have good range, although it has the usual cheap fragile probes that seem typical in these things.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion - I'll have to think outside the box a bit and see if I can come up with something workable.
Have fun! I'm sure that you'll come up with a solution. Lots of folks have the Maverick wireless thermometers and like them. That's another alternative.

Personally, I use what you suggested: WiFi camera and monitor from my phone... and it has a microphone.
The Camera is the best and cheapest since you have it. set the thermometer(s) in front of the WSM so the camera focus is on it with the WSM in the background. even if the WSM is out of focus issues like a lid or door falling off can be seen. With the focus on the temps you can read them and as others pointed out sound too. I have done this with Skype when I am running errands.
I just got the cyber q and it won't work with my iPhones / iPads. BBQ guru folks are going to have to change their system to work on ios 6. I doubt apple will fix iOS to work for cyber q
Well, then definitely that's not an option, since that's what I'd be using it on. And there's no excuse for it - iOS 6 has been available to developers for months. And I think the camera thing will work just fine for now anyway.
I just bought the CyberQ wifi and used it this weekend. I was amazed how well it worked. I set it up to text my iPhone if the temp is too low or when its done. I checked the status via my iPhone 5 and Google Chrome. It would be great to have an app for this, but the web page updates on the fly.
There is a CyberQ WIFI Windows application here for managing and Charting your cooks. CyberQ WIFI Windows Controller
I just bought the CyberQ wifi and used it this weekend. I was amazed how well it worked. I set it up to text my iPhone if the temp is too low or when its done. I checked the status via my iPhone 5 and Google Chrome. It would be great to have an app for this, but the web page updates on the fly.
I've been experimenting a bit and the alternate solutions people suggested definitely will do what I need and I won't have to make any major cash outlay. If my DigiQ dies I'll revisit WiFi controllers but until then it's not on the table.

One cool thing about the WiFI camera option is that not only can I view the output on my iPhone, or any computer I'm working on (just put the window in the corner) but using AirPlay I can pump it to the TV as well. So as I'm running around after the kids I can definitely keep half an eye on things, which is all I need.

Thanks everybody!

