Am I damaging my kettle?


Chris Char

New member
I recently bought a 'like new' master touch, and removed the legs to transport it home. I placed it on my rooftop deck, resting the kettle on the attached ash catcher (no basket, no legs) and covered it. Unfortunately that night, we recieved 2 feet of snow, and now I cannot access the kettle due to lack of space to shovel the snow around it.

How much damage is this likely to do to the ash catcher or kettle?

Due to the amount of snow, I don't think I'll be able to get to it for at least a week.
The lid is on, and a Weber cover is covering the entire thing. All the grates, charcoal baskets, and ash catcher basket are inside. I'm worried about the weight of the drum sitting on top of the ash catcher, and the ash catcher buckling under the weight, or damaging the pegs that attach it to the bowl.
I agree with Dan. Although I've tried what you're doing (accidentally, of course) the metal of the ash-catcher and the housing for it see pretty substantial to me.

The lid is on, and a Weber cover is covering the entire thing. All the grates, charcoal baskets, and ash catcher basket are inside. I'm worried about the weight of the drum sitting on top of the ash catcher, and the ash catcher buckling under the weight, or damaging the pegs that attach it to the bowl.
Post some pics !

I still think it will be fine, but it wouldn't hurt to get a path to it and clear some of the snow off the top and sides.

I'm not sure not sure where in Canada you are, but unless it really wet and heavy snow, you should be able get to it to dig it out.

Get creative. I'm guessing you know exactly where it is so shovel a path up to it and around it. Presuming it has a "bump" of snow bank give it a 36 inch diameter around the center and clear beyond that.

After you can get to it, get creative. Use a plastic cooking spoon or spatula or maybe a tupperware bowl to gently scoop the snow away, or just use your hands. Once you get to the cover be careful as it may be frozen solid.

And we need pics of the snow rescue !
When I can I will, but honestly, I was worried about the weight on the ash catcher before the snow came... Just so happened to get it home late at night and had to keep the noise level down so I couldn't get the legs back on without waking the house up.

