Adding second lid thermometer to 22"



TVWBB Member
I recently replaced the existing thermometer with a 3" River Country one. But I realized that the info on it doesn't really help me since it's right over the fire.

Would it be a good idea to install another one on the same side as the vent? Would it be a more accurate reading of the smoker Temp? Which spot would be ideal?

I do have a bluetooth thermometer with 4 probes already, but I prefer to keep them in my WSM instead.
But nothing is better than using digital to monitor grill temp, there can be a huge difference at the thermometer and the grate
In reviewing the new SnS kettle earlier this summer babyback maniac talked about this issue and about why the positioning of the new SnS kettle thermometer makes more sense. Below is that lengthy review.

The Weber Master Touch Premium was also released this past summer and the biggest complaint is how the hinge, vent and thermometer are positioned poorly, for this same reason you are experiencing. Now another youtube video from Tom Horsman (that I could not find tonight), he said he thinks Weber does not wants you to use the Slow and Sear with the Master Touch Premium and they designed it that way on purpose, so you would use the defuser plate system instead.

I think if I was drilling a whole in my kettle lid I would take the lead of how they did in on the new SnS kettle, as they wanted to fix that problem in their design and this is were they choose to put it.
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Um turn the lid.....?
The goal with two zone cooking is to have the heat and smoke start on one side and then move across the kettle and the food on the cooler side/zone and out the top vent positioned over the food on the other side of the kettle. For this movement to happen the vent and fire need to be opposite from each other. If the lid is turned then the air, heat, and smoke moves from the fire out the vent and not over the food. Now with the Weber kettle lid if you have the top vent over the opposite side from the fire then the thermometer is right over the fire reading much higher then where you are actually cooking on the cooler side or zone of the kettle.
I agree a probe is a more how I would solve the issue. If I don't have to use power tools, I am happy. Putting a probe in is much more my speed then drilling into my kettle lid, but for those who want that lid thermometer I get the frustration with the placement of the Weber thermometer.
I use a 5" turkey fryer therm like this clipped into one of the top vent holes.
My 06 OTG and 08 WSM don't have a weber installed one.
That reads the hot exhaust and it's usually 15 deg higher then grate temp.
That's why I like the older kettle lid design, where instead of having the thermometer on the opposite side of vent, it's at 45 degrees (does that make sense? haha) So I can kind of position it to where the vent and thermometer are not directly over the fire when cooking two zone.

Drilling a new hole should be easy though. Just use a nice bit and go slow....then use a q-tip to cover the exposed metal with a tiny bit of BBQ high heat paint.

I suppose you could always just stick your thermometer through one of the vent holes while you are cooking too, if you didn't want to drill.

