Accessories for 300



New member
Can anyone provide me their list of best accessories (weber branded or not) for the Q300 series? Im thinking things like trays to cook vegetables, racks to do indirect, smoke boxes, etc.

I try my best to buy US made stuff as much as I can, so that is a major factor (and a reason I bought the Q).


I use a Q300 and operate it with the following gadets:

- Cast iron griddle from Weber
- Rotssierie for Q300 from Weber
- Bread roast holder
- Weber Stlye Smoker box
- Small and large vegetable basket from Weber.
- Large fish holder from Weber.

I bought most of the stuff at Weber Palatine. They kindly gave me 50 % off.

When you want to smoke: Turn on the outer burner on full. Then wait until the smoker box produces smoke. Then put the meat on. I use wood chips and select the smaller pieces when smoking with gas (On charcoal it does not matter what size)
Originally posted by tranabo_bjoern:

I use a Q300 and operate it with the following gadets:

- Rotssierie for Q300 from Weber

I bought most of the stuff at Weber Palatine. They kindly gave me 50 % off.

I have never seen a Weber Rotisserie for a Q300/320, None are on the Web Site. Where did you get it from?

I emailed Weber asking about the rotisserie and the service rep calls it "aftermarket" The Weber logo on it sure stands out---
Its an original Weber product. I purchased it for about 120 USD in Denmark. Normally items come to the US at first.

