A Shot at Jim's Rub


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup kosher salt
1 T garlic powder
1 T onion powder
2 T black pepper
1 T paprika
2 T chili powder
1 T cumin
2 t mustard powder
1 t cinnamon

Jim, I can only wonder how close this is to your tried and true recipe.

Cayenne or other hot pepper as a possible addition.
Could you use this on Chicken, or would it be more of a rub for ribs? Sorry, not really up on my homemade rubs yet
Allen, I have found for my tastes that a good rub works for most meats. The more I learn, the more I try to associate certain flavors with certain meats. Then I try the exception....so yes I would try it.
Forgive my ignorance, please, Steve... which Jim? Minion?

Keri C
Jim Babek lost his prized rub recipe. See recipe requests. He remembered the ingredient list. From that, I took a shot at what his rub might be like. Jim did not comment on this recipe...I must have missed it by a long shot!
You didnt necessarily miss...I just saw this post. I will mix up a batch and let you know how close it is. Right now Im trying to knock out my 15 week old son who has a temp and keeps pukeing down my back. In looking at the recipe the only thing I can see is a lot of salt for my taste. I go for a carmely rub. Then again Im a Yankee.

