A few more NEWB questions


JP Pope

New member
I am thinking about pulling trigger on the DigiQII and I had a few questions for you experts. When you have your system set up and ready for a burn do you guys still use the minion method for beginning the cooks? Is there a proper position to drop your hot coals to ensure even burn? Corret me if I am wrong but I believe all vents are closed except the top vent left open full and no water in the pan......Please help me with these questions if you can!! Thanks
Minion method for beginning the cooks?
Yes, I start my cooks with about 10 lit briquettes.

Is there a proper position to drop your hot coals to ensure even burn?
You'll get some different opinions on this. When I first started I would do the coffee can, then strategically place them, now I just dump them and let them fall where they may.

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe all vents are closed except the top vent left open full and no water in the pan?
Correct with the exception of the top vent, I run my about 1/3 open
Thanks for the quick response Larry....I have been cooking on my WSM and I am looking for a better way to do overnight cooks. I can regualte my WSm pretty good but after reading all of these threads I have been sold on Auto Temp Control!!! THANKS AGAIN

