$799cdn for an S-320


Wayne Carter

New member
Its a little late now to see if this was a good deal as I already bought it based on web research but wanted your input on your thoughts of the price paid.

I have wanted a Weber or Napoleon grill for 5 years now but never found that deal I was looking for. I was at Home Depot and they had 2 S-320's which was the model I had researched and wanted on for $799.00 Knowing the price I had looked at in the summer was 1199.00 I came home and researched for the night prices and could only find them for $924.

The next day I bought it as it was very close to my go price and have 0 regrets. Compared to the Centro I had and this beast, cooking is unreal and enjoyable. We have made several meals and have had friends over for steaks twice.

