Hi Jeremy. I havent used the burners youve pictured, but considered them as well. The factor that kept me from going that route was, i had just put to rest a 'chinese' grill that had [so called] stainless burners as well, and i would only get two to three years out of them. they would be (for the most part) almost completely rusted through to the point of crumbling. When i started on my Craigs List find 1000, i removed the 18 year old original burners, examined them and found several extra 'pin' holes rusted through. brushed them off with a brass bristle brush, and blew some compressed air through them. they didnt look too bad! remounted them just for sake of test, and they had a nice blue flame all the way round, just a few extra holes. decided to replace them and went Weber. if the replacements will last any where near as long, i dont mind paying the extra $20.