4th of July Independence Day


Mark B

I would be remiss if I did not wish a Happy 4th of July to our American friends on the board. Hope everyone is well, and seeing some of the skills on this forum I know there will be some great meals today.

As an aside - I'm watching a CFL game I recorded earlier between the team I follow (BC Lions) at the Ottawa RedBlacks. I know CFL is not of interest in the US but we do have many US players on the teams. At the beginning of the game they did the US anthem as well as Canada's, a nice touch from the team in our capital which recognized the players and our relationship with the US.

Cheers !

Mark, my sons and I watch CFL games as often as we can. The 3 down thing takes some getting used to, but I like the receivers being in motion before the ball is snapped! That kinda reminds me of our arena football league. In fact, we watched Calgary get crushed the other night for their home opener. (At least I think it was their home opener) anyway, thank you for the warm wishes,
Mark, belated Happy Canada Day to you and thanks for the Happy 4th wishes to everyone on the forum. I am a fellow Canadian (born and bred in the Peg, lived in Calgary and Vancouver) now living this side of the border and I love it when my hubby tells me there is a CFL game on one of the ESPN channels. Go Lions!
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