26.75 ash sweep


Dustin Flavell

Folks is it just me or do you find that the ash sweep is too small on the 26er OTG? Seems the charcoal grate is higher up than on the 22.5 and leaves a lot of ash on the sides when I sweep. I cook almost everything indirect with the coals at the back of the kettle. Anyone else fighting this or just me? Right now to clean my one touch system is a two touch since I have to pull the charcoal grate to get the missed ash. Ideas on how to fix?
It is too small, not a lot of research went into that design, you could rig something up or have a sheet metal shop make it for you, I want to make something just don't have time right now.
Agreed. It appears as though they just re-purposed the 22" OTG blade assembly. I keep a plastic putty knife and an old (unused) natural bristle paint brush handy when I clean mine out.
It's just the way they were built. I took advantage of that extra space by lowering the charcoal grate and replacing it with cast iron. It holds the heat much better but clean-up is still a pain. I still love the bigger kettle design though.
Yes, the scraper blades could be a bit longer but I don't worry about it. Just scrape till you get all the ash you can out and start cooking. I've never had a problem with new ash stopping up the air vents.
Yes, it's small, but during a cook it will do. That's where the pre-cook sweep comes. Still a hassle, but kinda necessary. In the end, the real estate of the 26" is worth it to me.

