2009 Weber Genesis E310 Igniting Issues - Clean Crossover?


Jeff V

New member
My Genesis has been having issues igniting the 3rd and sometimes 2nd burner. I contacted Weber and they suggested to try cleaning the crossover tube first.

I clean the burners and crossover tube with a wire brush externally, but never internally.

I've never taken any of the burners out since I bought it in 2009. Am I going to end up breaking some bolts getting this thing apart?

Any advice would be appreciated.

You shouldn't break anything. If you look inside the grill you'll see 2 screws that look like they are holding the front and rear burners in or down. Leave them alone. They do nothing but position the burners. The burners are made to slide out to the control panel side. Simply remove the knobs, the control panel cover and on that side of the fire box there are 2 wing nuts or bolts. Unscrew those, remove the manifold and the burners will slide right out. Wire brush them all clean with a clean wire brush. Inspect all the little holes to make sure they are not clogged up with corrosion or dirt. If so a heavy paper clip can clean them out or a small drill bit. The crossover tube is commonly the main culprit to your issue. Don't be surprised if it breaks trying to remove it. Frankly if I were you; If your main burners are in good shape I would order a new crossover tube prior to taking the grill apart. Usually you end up replacing 2 crossovers to one burner set in my experience

