$100 DIY pizza oven



TVWBB All-Star
Have you guys seen this ?
The wife showed me a video like this (that I can’t seem to find).
The difference is that the guy (in the vid my wife showed me) made it better with a stand and made the oven section 90 degrees opposite his fire box so he didn’t have to dodge flames while cooking.
I think he upgraded to fire brick too.
Yeah that other vid showed a stand .
I am way to uncomfortable working at that elevation.
I’ll try to find that vid.
Yeah, this not as big as it used to be (but still fine) body at my age and with my knees can't do what that young guy was doing. I saw a plan VERy similar but using larger cement block to build it up higher then a "burning" shelf to build the fire and the second level to place the ZA on. I have been thinking about doing this like that. But more as a permanent thing

