
  1. K

    Smoked Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings w/ Sriracha Mayo

    Gonna have to do these! Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings with Sriracha Mayo Dipping Sauce Recipe by An easy appetizer recipe for bacon wrapped onion rings. Prep time: 00:15 Cook time: 01:30 Total time: 01:45: Ingredients 1 pack Bacon 4-5 Sweet Onions 2 T Black Pepper 1/2...
  2. Kaz S

    Spicy Sriracha Wings

    Here's my attempt for the challenge pit. If I can get photobucket to co-operate. Spicy Sriracha Garlic Stuffed Chicken Wings I've made these several times now, but never posted them to the board for some reason?!? These crispy chicken wings get their heat from Sriracha, the Thai hot sauce...

