
  1. H

    Grilled chicken salad

    Trying to eat a bit more healthy and ik found these chicken breast tenderloins on sale. I seasoned them lightly with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder. I grilled them direct on the OTG at 450 for like 6 minutes or so. The salad consisted of spring mix, green pepper, thinly sliced...
  2. H

    New member of family/Birthday present

    My birthday was Dec. 26th and I got what I have wanted / needed for a while a OTG!!
  3. D

    In Search of OTG Low and Slow "Set it and Forget it"

    This could be one of those threads that addresses a number of interesting things. I have a 22.5" OTG. I love it. I desire nothing else - save a real good smoker for BBQ. Since I am a father of teenagers, that is not currently in my budget. I have cooked pulled pork the most, since it is...

