
  1. Darryl - swazies

    Steak Taco’s

    Was out getting some food and found some triple A’s on for sale price. Grabbed a bunch, threw a few in the freezer and did 2 up tonight. Steak with carne crosta rub. Made some chimichurri. Sweet peppers, onion, mushroom and jalapeño. Some corn salsa, bit of sour creme. Fried the taco shells...
  2. Darryl - swazies

    Some tasty weekend eats

    Did some smaller cooks on the weekend, but they were as tasty as ever, so tasty I am doing the taco’s again this Saturday. Saturday I used a black angus strip, cut the fat back a tiny bit and made some good old steak tacos. The steak wasn’t over a half inch thick so it cooked a little quick on...
  3. H

    Hi All- new smoker here

    I've been lurking for a little while, so I thought I'd stop by to introduce myself. I live in Oakland, CA and got the 18.5" WSM jin early November so that we could host a family Thanksgiving at our place for the first time. I did a dry run of a 13lb turkey that didn't go so well so my wife was...

