DNS Problems


Darren C.

I'm unable to get outside my local network from my HM. This explains why NTP couldn't set the date/time. It also explains why, today when upgrading to v14, I couldn't put the URL in and update that way. I had to download the gz and browse to it.

I first started noticing the clock issue a few months back when I moved from my pi A+ to a pi 3.

I did a little troubleshooting. I ssh'd into my HM and tried to ping google.com. I also tried traceroute. Neither were able to get outside the network. So, I looked at /etc/resolv.conf and only saw I set it my local default route, After that, I was able to ping google and get outside my network. Then, my HM started syncing time. So, I rebooted the HM. But, my resolv.conf didn't retain the changes. I guess I'm not surprised because if I'm reading the v14 release notes correctly, resolv.conf lives on a read-only filesystem. So, I guess I need to use the System->"DHCP and DNS" in the gui. At this point, I'm not sure what to enter into this tab. I'm a little nervous about changing it without asking for some advice. I really don't want to lock myself out of my HM.

Any suggestions?
Take a look at /tmp/resolv.conf.auto on the heatermeter. It should show the DNS server(s) that your router hands out via DHCP.

# cat /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
# Interface wwan
search ww0.ca
Thanks for the quick reply...

I rebooted first. Then, cat'd /tmp/resolv.conf.auto and it's empty.

root@LEDE:~# cat /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
Is your HM in DHCP mode?

I just tried setting my HM in static IP mode and everything also works fine. However, if you don't put an IP in the "Use custom DNS servers" field, you won't have any DNS. In your case, you want to be in there.

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