Mustard Crusted Rib Roast



New member
Choice Rib Roast on the Barrel Smoker

~6 lb. 3 bone (don’t recall which end) bone-in choice rib roast
Koop’s Horseradish Mustard
Rub (chipotle, onion, garlic powders, salt, pepper)

Firstly, let me say I was raised on tough meat. Mom, bless her, baked much better than she cooked. Okay, her pot roast was tender, but nothing else ever was. So choice is the cut for me, at least in the case of ribeye, prime is just too ‘soft’. So I save a coupla bucks per pound.

I ‘semi-frenched’ the bones, leaving any meat but removing any fat to about a 1/8” layer for some really yummy crust – I drool just recalling the crispy crunchy bits. The rub proportions proved to be almost perfect with a touch too much salt but otherwise a delicious complement to the layer of mustard.


Used lump, 2 large chunks pecan, one large hickory. Did a semi-minion thing. My barrel smoker isn’t nearly as sensitive to opening as it really chows down on the lump. Another effect of that is that I ended up adding charcoal about three times.


I cooked it for 2:20 which turned out to be about 5 – 10 minutes too much. Here’s the rundown:

2:30 pm: On the grill (Chargriller Pro, really like the cast grates!), indirect heat, about 320 degrees internally (at the roast with a reliable mercury thermometer), 350 at the cooker thermometer

3:20 pm: 320 deg cooker; 68 deg meat; smells outrageous! Add lump, open vents to aid in igniting the added lump

3:40 pm: 315 deg cooker; 315 internal, closed vents (the Chargriller is really stable once at temps)

4:00 pm: 290 deg cooker; 310 internal; 81 deg meat; added more lump, vents ½ open to raise temps for better crust

4:15 pm: 310 deg cooker; 340 internal; Getting Crusty!

4:30 pm: 310 deg cooker; 340 internal; 111 meat; added a scoop of lump; vents 1/3

4:40 pm: 310 deg cooker; decide to check meat temp in 5 minutes

4:45 pm: 310 deg cooker; 132 meat; prepping to remove and foil


4:50 pm: Off the grill, foiled, in cooler for 30 min (would be an hour but I can’t wait); making hash browns and steamed asparagus.

As can be seen in the pictures, I got slightly past medium rare but the meat was nicely tender anyway.



It was quite good. Can’t wait for leftovers

