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  1. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    Got the Raspi Zero W set up all works ok, only downside is the old wifi and no 5Ghz support.
  2. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    That makes complete sense now. Thank you.
  3. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    Oh, wow, I see. I assumed it was just built on top of OpenWRT/LEDE Stable.
  4. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    @Steve_M I have 2 Zero W's on the way.
  5. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    Gotcha. It really does seem to be with the newer Pi so driver would make sense as to why the earlier and Zero are unaffected. Is the latest v15 based on 19.7.6? And just to be clear, I'm not complaining, just trying to understand what exactly the issue is. I can always go back to my...
  6. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    I confirmed this tonight when I updated my Ubiquiti firmware. All other devices reconnect including Raspi with raspi OS, ESP32 and BeagleBoneBlack. HM didn't. My Raspi(original) with Edimax would reconnect on its own but the Raspi 3B+ and 3A+ do not. One is on 'Legacy' Wifo mode and one is...
  7. R

    Thermal Couple Vs Thermal Probes (thermistors)

    I've wrestled with this as well, actually I use 3 of the probes to measure internal temp and one for the meat just to feel better about accurate results. There was a good scientific analysis on evaporation from the meat and the mass as a heat sink and the effect that would have on temps inside...
  8. R

    Pi OS repositories

    I have to agree with Steve_M. I think this is being blown out of proportion by an extremely vocal group of anti-Microsoft Linux bigots.
  9. R

    General 3D Printing Thread

    So what does the configuration.h look like for Marlin? Everything I am reading looks like thermistor 1 is the correct one so the correct value in configuration.h would be: #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 1
  10. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    Ok, I'm seeing this on both HMs on the Pi 3+ I can reboot them and they connect, however if Wifi is interrupted for more than a couple minutes they do not appear to auto-reconnect.
  11. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    Is there any logic to reconnect to wifi if it is dropped? I've been troubleshooting my wifi6 early release environment so have had a lot of firmware changes/restarts and I am seeing this behavior on raspi 3A+ and 3B+ on the latest v15.
  12. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    Question, every time I apply new HM firmware, why does it revert my design back to OpenWRT? Not a big deal, I can switch it back to Bootstrap and all my other settings appear to stick.
  13. R

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    :) It is a cool device but assuming you'd need a board to control the probe IO anyway, you could get a 2.9" display and ESP32 raw components for $25 or so in single qty. Now if you needed the RGB pixels and switches it makes it very attractive. Don't get me wrong, it's a great little device...
  14. R

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    What I like is that it is dot matrix so yes, the overall size is relatively small, but it does open up better options for 'big' character modes. For instance you could have the Pit temp really large, then have the 3 other probes in small stacked vertically. In addition, with a small additional...
  15. R

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Yep, I was looking at them last week. (y)
  16. R

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    I believe there was someone who mentioned e-paper displays lately..... ;)
  17. R

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Love this. You know my feelings on the 4 line. I'd love to have a stack on so I could have the LED temps attached to my HM. How do they do in direct sunlight?
  18. R

    Raspi 3A+ on a HM 4.0

    Still running, I think that did it. Thanks again.

