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  1. C

    Servo chatter/sporadic movements when changing %

    Well, it was definitely a brownout situation. Bad crappy power supply. Tested with one from a switch and both units work perfectly. Does anyone know if a 12v 1.3 amp power supply is OK? I have one from an old router
  2. C

    Servo chatter/sporadic movements when changing %

    Can I ask about the behavior you were seeing when your servo chattered? I have built two HMs, a V4.2 and v4.3 and see the same behavior on both units. Sometimes, but not always, the servo chatters but when this happens I am seeing the display blinking and my raspberry pi is loosing power and...
  3. C

    HeaterMeter v4.2.4 Trouble - Blower shorted

    Yea I was just reading up on the schottky diode, there is probably a reason he used it and a 4007 could cause problems. My neighbor makes hifi equipment, I'll see if he has one then move on to figuring out if the inductor is shorted. We'll see if f the fan runs "wrong" or semi correct in pulse...
  4. C

    HeaterMeter v4.2.4 Trouble - Blower shorted

    Ok, D2, the 5819 is blown. I think I had a power problem with an old 12v adapter, I already replaced Q3. My inductor still could be shorted, but I can start by replacing D2. In effects pedals I often see 5819 used for safety on the 9v supply and I can easily swap it for a 4001 or 4007, but I...
  5. C

    HeaterMeter v4.2.4 Trouble - Blower shorted

    So I finally got around to debugging this board. I do a lot of electronics work so decided to get a decent desoldering iron with a little pump on it, works awesome... I narrowed down the short to have to be somewhere between the RJ45 jack, C12 or L1. I removed all three and when I removed L1 the...
  6. C

    HeaterMeter v4.2.4 Trouble - Blower shorted

    So I have completed a build of the Version 4.2.4 hardware, loaded up the Pi software and everything is running fine when connected to the 5V power through the PI, however when using the 12V power, I am having exactly the same issue as described in this thread...

