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  1. S

    Fan stops working after going above temperature

    Thanks for the quick reply! I will try those tonight.
  2. S

    From the banks of the Wabash

    Thanks everyone. Favorite cut of pork to eat would probably be tenderloin cooked to about 135-140F (not my favorite when someone takes it up to 165). Tenderloin is only in the lead for me because I haven't had it for a while. Favorite to cook is a Boston Butt, its just so forgiving and when...
  3. S

    Fan stops working after going above temperature

    Hi all, I recently built a Heatermeter 4.2 RPi A+. I am running into a problem with the fan. The fan works all the way until it gets to temperature. Once it reaches temperature, naturally the fan turns off. However, once the temperature drops back down below the target temperature, the fan...
  4. S

    From the banks of the Wabash

    Hello All, Greetings from West Lafayette, IN. Favorite meat is anything that comes from a pig... BBQ'ed or grilled. -Stew

