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  1. S

    Rack of Lamb with Pics

    Thank you. That was my problem. I kept the lid on and gave it a go and 30 minutes was all I needed. Thanks.
  2. S

    Newbie question: Briquettes take too long to ash over

    Very likely. I have enough info from my other question about grilling small amounts of food. Grilled a whole fish this evening and it was hit with the wife.
  3. S

    Suggestions for small volume, weekday grilling

    Thanks Kevin. Any suggestions for a grilling a whole fish? I usually make whole, firm fish like butter fish or grouper. Gary: I guess being an engineer makes me want to be all precise and stuff. Hence the obsession with the thermometer and exact temps . I will definitely follow your advise...
  4. S

    Suggestions for small volume, weekday grilling

    Just found them. They are good. Thanks!
  5. S

    Newbie question: Briquettes take too long to ash over

    Also folks, in fairness to Weber, the instructions do not suggest keeping the lid on. That was all me Thanks again. Now if only I can find a way to bring the temperature down from 600 to 400 in a relatively short amount of time.
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    Suggestions for small volume, weekday grilling

    That was the number recommended by Weber's big book on grilling as well as the instructions.
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    Suggestions for small volume, weekday grilling

    Folks I need some tips on grilling small amount of food. I want to use the Weber Performer on a regular basis but rarely have to grill more than a 4 chicken thighs or drumsticks or a whole fish. I'm new to grilling and so far I've followed directions and lit up 50 briquettes for a 22" grill and...
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    Newbie question: Briquettes take too long to ash over

    Gents Thank you for your suggestions. Yes, it was the lid. In deference to Gary's orders, I decided to fire up the grill (one of the advantages of working from home) and I am pleased to report that after 30 minutes, the coals were all white and the grill ready to use. Problem solved! Thank you...
  9. S

    Rack of Lamb with Pics

    Elmo The pictures make me want to run to Halaal store. They rock! Actually the pictures might contain the answer to a query I posted on the forum this morning. I have used exactly the same procedure as you have to light the briquettes but even after 45 minutes, they aren't ready the way they...
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    Newbie question: Briquettes take too long to ash over

    Gary Thanks for your prompt reply. Actually I do have the chimney courtesy a portable charcoal grill I use occasionally! The chimney I have is made by Weber and has 2 ‘compartments’, one on top for the briquettes and one below for the newspaper. Is this the one you are referring to? Do I still...
  11. S

    Newbie question: Briquettes take too long to ash over

    First a confession: I'm new to grilling, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Please excuse what may be to some a very basic question. Problem: I have used my new 22" Performer 4 times. I have used all-natural briquettes I purchased at Trader Joe's. I have followed the instructions each time...

