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  1. N

    November 2 anyone running their heatermeter

    Just put a 18lb brisket on!! Long live the heatermeter!!!
  2. N

    Heatermeter is great

    Look at that sexy graph. Overnight brisket, I let it push through the stall. Massive brisket. UDS smoker with RD3 fan. I recently bought a pizza steel stone that will work in my outdoor pizza oven and I put it right above fire in my uds. Ive cooked about 10 briskets and this was the best I've...
  3. N

    Wood Kiln - tangentially related to Heatermeter

    Not really related to Heatermeter but I am stuck between communities with the question and you all are amazing so I thought I would pose it here. So I would love to convert my UDS to a low volume wood drying kiln. I built WBegg's SSR sous vide controller a while back: Seen Here My UDS has a...
  4. N

    Battery Setup questions.

    Hey All, I was intrigued by the blower issue that Kevin raised and Bryan helped out with and I realized that my battery pack setup was not working correctly not enough power from AAs so I am thinking of wanting to fix this while being as versatile as possible. Possible battery uses for...
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    4.3 Raspberry Pi zero case

    Hello does anyone have a case designed with the raspberry pi zero in use with the 4.3. I would love to print my own. Best, Nate
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    Grab Bag of Questions

    I got a brand new 4.3 to go with my 4.2 for xmas. I am rethinking and re-imaging all my sdcards and the versions of Raspberry pi's that I have to go with each and have a few questions. First is about the Does this process rewrite the exisiting config info or would it only load if the...
  7. N

    Theory: Rasp Pi temp is interfering with TC probe

    Hello All, I have a previous thread with help on my TC probe here: It seems to have resurfaced as I was seasoning a new UDS I built. After a couple of hours running HM and microdamper the TC went...
  8. N

    Thermocouple Works on RD3 but not on main board

    So yeah the title says the problem. But I mainly run the RD3 and have no problems with it. Last night I had to run it without the RD3 and so I used a micro damper and the on board probe. About a half an hour into my smoke the thermocouple started jumping all over the place. At first I thought it...
  9. N

    Thermoworks Pro Series Back on Sale -11/15 12.80 instead of 16 wahoo
  10. N

    PID ideas for the smoking jacket

    Last winter I built a what I like to call a smoking jacket for my brinkmann. Two layers of water heater insulation with a wire frame interior for structure and a dryer vent on top for smoke. My smoker is pretty air tight and runs great with the RD3 setup in the summer season. I have learned a...
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    Compatible Wifi Dongle

    I was looking for a bit more range with my heatermeter and wondering if this is compatible? ANEWISH Wifi Adapter 600Mbps USB Wifi Adapter 802.11ac Wireless Adapter Dual Band 5.8GHz/2.4GHz Also I would really like to get on the 5ghz channel at the house based on the way I have my network...
  12. N

    Jittery Probe

    I have had some trouble with my second probe during cooks. If you look at the image below I did this cook specifically to illustrate the problem with the probes. The probes were stuck in the meat very close together and you can see the blue one jumps all around initially before settling down...
  13. N

    Email Temp Script for Heatermeter

    I wanted to give something back to community that has given me so much and I haven't seen anything like this anywhere in great depth so here it is. I wrote a script that would email me the temperature on a recurring basis. Here is what the email looks like when I receive it: Here is the...
  14. N

    Airflow in my ECB

    Wondering if any of you might take a look at some cooks and offer advice on my setup. I have an El Cheapo Brinkmann heavily modded to be pretty air tight with an RD3 (thanks Ralph) hooked up to flexible copper tubing "airburner". I usually run it with a weber 4 hole top vent wide open and then...

