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  1. T

    Is Hacking a real Problem??

    I was at a comp a month or so ago and a guy that I was talking to on another team was joking with me that “He would not hack my stoker” during the night. I took it as a joke, and as far as I know he didn’t, but is hacking a real problem? I run my Stoker directly connected to the pit with no...
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    Stoker Videos

    RobM (YankeeRob), Thank you so much for the videos. I am a visual person and I learned more and it made more since to me by watching 30 min of your videos than several hours of reading the Stoker manual.
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    Stoker Extension Cable Problem

    I bought the gold plated stereo 20ft cables from RadioShack. But when I hooked them up the Stoker Log mixed up what was the control cable and what was the pit or food sensors, at first it said there was no control. I checked the hook-up three times to be sure I had not hooked something up wrong...
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    First Rib Cook W/Stoker

    Cooking some St Louis ribs for my son’s Cub Scout meeting tonight, a covered dish deal. This is the first time really getting to use the Stoker for a long time. I started the cook up around 11am, and let it run so I could get a feel of the temp management. I’m running it over the wireless home...
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    Sensor Calibration

    First how necessary it to calibrate the sensors on a new unit? Second what are the steps for doing this?
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    Need Help Clarifying Wireless set-up Design

    I set my Stoker up with the wireless Bridge to run over my home wireless network while I’m at home, I get that. But do I read it right that if I want to run it during competitions with a system that is just the laptop to the Stoker without the network that I must use a wireless router to connect...
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    I Get to Find Out How Good Stoker Service Is.

    I received my Stoker yesterday, I was working on programming it and trying to figure which port corresponded with the readout/probe slot in the Stoker/Log program. I unplugged the blower and found that half of the blower plug stayed in the unit. See pictures:
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    Storker/Linksys Birdge Help

    Hi All, I know that this probably has been covered more than enough in here but I am new and need some help. My Stoker is on a truck now headed for my house, and I have a Linksys WET610N wireless bridge, the model of Linksys many of you were using has been discontinued so this is the one they...

