Search results

  1. THyde

    Craycort Grates for Genesis?

    I'm very impressed with the second picture they show on their site. Definitely what they look like after a cook or 3. That's a very impressive picture, unlike most photos which show a sanitized brand-new version of something!
  2. THyde

    Cleaning porcelain enameled CI grates

    I agree, but will say that if you use soap you can remove any oil from bare metal, which tends to leave the metal exposed to rust. That's why most for seasoned pans, the recommendation is to avoid using soap.
  3. THyde

    Blacking out a Genesis E330

    I like the black too. I bet I'd like it if the frame and everything was black too, but that might just be me. Wow, that logo came out incredible! Dan, you should make a how to for the new style logos. Maybe (if you have them) compare a clear satin vs. a clear gloss. Then again, it's easy...
  4. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    I remember years ago a friend of mine was having some trouble with his HOA about gas grills. Some whackadoo in the HOA became convinced that propane tanks were dangerous, and that they would spontaneously explode. So his HOA banned gas grills. I remember being amazed that somebody thought a...
  5. THyde

    Cleaning porcelain enameled CI grates

    I'm going to also say that your grates are really, really clean. You are, as Bruce said, definitely in the top 10% of grate cleaners! They will get some deposits of burned oils on them which will blacken. This is a good thing. As long as you clean all of the food particles off, the black...
  6. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    I think the letters are black because the new logos have recessed letters, and Dan was able to sand the raised part, which is the non-letters, so it would be tough to reverse the colors. BUT: That came out WAY better than I thought it would, it looks really good actually. Is it made of...
  7. THyde

    Amazon aftermarket flavorizer bars - genesis 1000

    You might have a much more even heat surface now!
  8. THyde

    Amazon aftermarket flavorizer bars - genesis 1000

    I'd first remove all of the flavorizer bars and light the grill as it sits. If you have very uneven heat, my guess is that you may need to clean up your burner tubes. The flames should be uniform across their length, if not you can remove the burner tubes and either replace them if they are...
  9. THyde

    Tried "Chinese?" on the grill

    I’d take it easy with the soy sauce, as it is salty stuff. I’d still use it but if the last cook was too salty use a lot less. Another idea is to spritz a little citrus in the mix, a very small amount of lemon or lime juice can really take a lot of flavors and enhance them in a surprising way...
  10. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    Maybe it's natural gas?
  11. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    Wow! Must be a hot market for them in New England!
  12. THyde

    I found my Platinum C!

    Those are not designed to come out, they have a groove in them that the burner tubes slide into. There is no need to remove those.
  13. THyde

    I found my Platinum C!

    When I come across manifold screws that are frozen in place, I look at it like a bonus. I've never come across a situation where the threads were compromised, so when they are frozen on there like that I just leave them. It's helpful because then I don't need to hold the other side to tighten...
  14. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    I agree with Bruce. Once you name a number in sales, that is the number. If you already have the new grates and flavorizers, I'd add them and increase the asking price. It is almost impossible to put two prices out there and get the higher one, even if the higher price includes extras...
  15. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    I think $250 is reasonable, but then again I've done what you did before and I'd happily pay a couple hundred bucks for somebody else to do it! That said, it all depends on what people are paying for in your area. It does look nice though, and I'm sure it will last five or ten years without...
  16. THyde

    Frugal Grill Mod-opinions welcomed

    I like it a lot! It will be an extra step to change tanks but it does get the stuff on hooks out of the front. Great idea and nicely done!
  17. THyde

    Self Cleaning Oven to clean grill parts?

    That’s a good point too, unless your goal is to repaint the outsides of the firebox and end caps.
  18. THyde

    Self Cleaning Oven to clean grill parts?

    Apparently self clean is about 500 C, around 932 F. So you shouldn’t melt. I’d be more concerned about warp though. I’d try a piece I didn’t care about first.
  19. THyde

    Self Cleaning Oven to clean grill parts?

    Stick a broken aluminum part in there next time and see what happens. You can also probably look up how hot your oven gets during self clean and as long as it’s below the melting temperature of aluminum (1,221 degrees F) you should be fine. I’d be surprised if self clean got above 750.
  20. THyde

    The Humor Thread

    It's Marty's birthday. It's his 60th birthday in fact. Marty wakes up, takes a shower and gets ready for work. He makes coffee, his wife comes down and has a coffee. Not a word about poor Marty's birthday. Marty figures, OK she forgot. He goes in to work. Walks past the front desk...

